John Travolta: Everyone knows that he is very much involved in eco-friendly projects and groups. That he tries to make a change by speaking out about global warming, etc. But does showing your face in public events to convince the world that we are killing the planet makes it Okay for him to fly around in a private jet? Do you think he tries to make himself feel better about his contribution to pollution by being part of these eco-friendly groups/events? That his interest for GREEN is more of a personal interest then for his love for humanity?
Barbara Streisand: Famous singer catering to the older generation, known for her classic singing ways is also among the list of eco-passionate celebrities. Her involvement in environmentalism have put her back in the limelight. The diva's efforts are appreciated by her fans and the public. What Daily Mail pointed out that placed her in the hypocrite list was that she owns X number of mansions and not one of them having eco-friendly construction. She drives in limos everywhere, private jets, you name it. She is rich enough to afford some solar panels, drive hybrid cars and live a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Critics ask her to practice what she preaches and really join the environmentalist by acting on it.
Madonna: She was part of the Live Earth condert last year. Because of her participation in this event, she has receive a lot of Boo's on behave of the green activists community. People call her a hypocrite for claiming to care for the environment by being part of this event. Yet in fact she is well known for buying exotic animal fur coats and having stock shares in Coporate companies that have a huge impact on the environment. Another article by Fox News said that for Madonna "Green means money, not environmentalism", they said how Modanna uses the eco-friendly card to get more cash in her bank. She was also featured in the "Green" issue of Vanity Fair 2008, hypocrite anyone? It just makes you wonder if in fact she really cares.
So the most eco-hypocrite award goes to....... The material girl, Madonna!!!!
I personally think she should of keep it real and not try to convince people that she actually cares about the environment, but thats just my opinion.
What do you think about celebrities being involved in Green efforts? What would you do if you were in those celebrity's shoes?
So the most eco-hypocrite award goes to....... The material girl, Madonna!!!!
I personally think she should of keep it real and not try to convince people that she actually cares about the environment, but thats just my opinion.
What do you think about celebrities being involved in Green efforts? What would you do if you were in those celebrity's shoes?